Yesterday, the Government released a new Technical Advice Leaflet (TAL 1/24) entitled Motorcyclists using bus lanes. TAL 1/24 was released to remind local highway authorities of their existing powers and states that "wherever it is appropriate, local councils SHOULD allow motorcyclists to use bus lanes".
TAL 1/24 recommends that each council has a specific policy on this issue so that the design and layout of bus lanes, and the user groups allowed to use them, are consistent across their areas. The note provides advice o nthe safety considerations that must be considered, including protection of pedestrians and cyclists and the potential need to make changes to layouts at bus signalised gates for example.
Importantly, the note states that councils should carry out proper consultation with all stakeholders including motorcycle groups, bus operators, taxi firms, pedestrians, cyclists, disabled people and the Police.
The note also advises local councils to actively monitor new schemes and makes reference to the excellent IHE Guidelines for Motorcycling