In March 2023, we reported that one of our Transport Directors, Richard Fitter had given evidence at a Public Inquiry following the Secretary of State's decision to call in Montreaux's planning application for a residential-led mixed use scheme on underutilised brownfield land in the Cricklewood Growth/Opportunity Area (LB Barnet).
The local planning authority resolved to grant planning permission in 2021 and the London Mayor agreed with that decision in 2022, confirming that the application was acceptable in strategic terms. However, to everyone's surprise, the Secretary of State called in the application in August 2022, but with no explanation or reference to any matters of national significance . In November 2022, officers from LB Barnet sought direction from Members of the Planning Committee for the purposes of the Planning Inquiry process, explaining that there had been no material changes in circustances since the original resolution. Despite the officer recommendation, the Council's previous resolution, and the Mayor's position, Members then resolved to oppose the application.
The Planning Inspector, G Rollings, stated that there were three main considerations: the effect on the character and appearance of the area; the effect on the historic environment; and the effect on local transport and highway safety. Entran provided evidence on the matter of local transport and highway safety and Richard Fitter spoke as an expert witness at the Public Inquiry. The Inspector concluded that the proposal would not have a harmful effect on local transport or highway safety and would not conflict with the London Plan or the Core Strategy. He stated that the Entran had shown in respect of transport and highway safety that "the main concerns raised on this issue were misplaced".
The Secretary of State agreed with the Inspector's conclusions and decided to grant planning permission subject to conditions and obligations.