A group of professional bodies, charities and other organisations involved in the planning and delivery of sustainable development have written a joint letter to government ministers outlining improvements needed to the National Planning Policy Framework.
The group outlines vital changes that would improve the pace at which development proposals clear the planning process and result in high-quality, genuinely sustainable development. These include:
1. The need for the NPPF to provide clear criteria for the siting of development – limiting a number of the objections that are made to development proposals on transport and environmental grounds
2. Making the accessibility of a development location by a range of sustainable transport options a key factor in determining a developments suitability
3. Involving transport authorities and operators throughout the planning process, making transport provision part of the solution rather than a hurdle to be overcome.
4. The site layout for developments should make appropriate provision for buses, cycling and walking – reducing car dependency carries the added benefit of reducing the traffic impact of new development on existing infrastructure
A full version of the letter is available her: http://www.ciht.org.uk/en/media-centre/consultations/previous-consultations.cfm