Success at Public Inquiry

In June and July this year, Entran acted as expert witness for Dorset Council at a lengthy Public Inquiry following their refusal of a major planning application (P/OUT/2023/01166) for a mixed-use development comprising 1,700 dwellings, 10,000sq.m of employment uses and local centre at Alderholt.

Today, the Inspector, Jonathan Bore, issued his decision [APP/D1265/W/23/3336518], dismissing the appeal and upholding Dorset's two reasons for refusal on highways and transport grounds.

Melissa Murphy KC and Nick Grant, both from Landmark Chambers, acted for Dorset Council. Entran's two Transport Directors, Richard Fitter and Rob Williams attended the Inquiry with Richard preparing and giving evidence as expert witness.

Reference: APP/D1265/W/23/3336518 (

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