Cardiff City Council are consulting on a new SPG entitled 'Managing Transportation Impacts (Incorporating Parking Standards)'. The consultation closes on 21st December 2017 and Entran will be making representations on behalf of our Welsh regional clients.
Friday, 10 November, 2017
Entran had a fantastic time at the famous Nürburgring circuit in Germany to celebrate our 12th anniversary. Weather conditions weren't exactly perfect as you can see from the photo but it was still a great experience.
Tuesday, 10 October, 2017
Many congratulations to Team GreenWay for a fantastic result at Revolve24 this weekend. The team, including riders from Entran and Sol Environment, came 7th out of the 50 four-man teams and 10th overall out of 172 teams of all sizes.
The four-man GreenWay team cycled 200 laps of the Brands Hatch circuit in 24 hours which equates to 487 miles and 41,800ft of climbing (they had climbed Everest after 15 hours). Brands Hatch is not flat!
A fantastic effort from all, and the icing on the cake was beating Jason Kenny's team. Good work!
Monday, 18 September, 2017
LB Newham resolved to grant planning permission last night for Aitch Group's proposed residential development in Forest Gate. The scheme, on Earlham Grove, comprises 78 units and is car-free except for disabled parking and an on-street Car Club space. Entran's suite of transport documents, supported by a full Parking Stress Survey secured a positive recommendation from the highway authority. We are delighted with this result.
Wednesday, 26 July, 2017
Many thanks to Craddys for organising last night's 'Aldi Olympics'. Great fun. And well done to Rob and Richard for winning the egg throwing competition (yep!) and for securing Gold for Entran in the overall team event.
Friday, 14 July, 2017
From this week, a startup from Singapore is becoming the first 'dockless' bike sharing company to launch its cycles in London. In total 400 oBikes have been placed in Tower Hamlets.
Like other bike-sharing schemes, the system allows riders to find, rent, and pay for bikes through a smartphone app. Each 30-minute ride costs 50p plus a refundable deposit of £49, and the bike is unlocked by scanning a QR code printed on its frame
Tuesday, 11 July, 2017