British Cycling, the AA and a number of pedestrian groups are lobbying for the introduction of a universal rule to give way when turning at junctions, to make them simpler and safer for people driving, cycling and walking.
Whether driving, cycling or walking, negotiating a junction is the most hazardous manoeuvre you make on the road. Two-thirds of all collisions take place at junctions. This increases to three-quarters of all cycling collisions.
British Cycling say the Highway Code rules on junctions are confusing and create unnecessary risks for people using them. So they are calling for a universal rule that when turning at a junction, you always give way to people going ahead or crossing that junction, including people cycling and walking. They say this would make them simpler, safer and more efficient for everyone.
The new rule would consolidate and clarify existing rules. This type of universal rule has already been shown to be effective at increasing road safety for people walking and cycling in other countries.
More information and details of their petition can be found here:
Tuesday, 13 December, 2016
The Transport Secretary Chris Grayling has outlined the road improvement schemes making up the £1.3 billion made available in the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement last week.
This includes:
In addition, the Transport Secretary:
A full breakdown of funding can be found here
Tuesday, 29 November, 2016
North Herts DC voted unanimously this evening to grant planning permission for 70 houses and apartments at Odyssey Health and Racquet Club near Stevenage. Previous applications on this site were refused on grounds that the new access would cause harm to the green belt. Entran designed a new access for the current scheme and provided transport and environmental consultancy services in support of the successful application.
Thursday, 13 October, 2016
Last night Reading Borough Council granted planning permission for a car-free residential conversion of two former Gas Works buildings on the water front in Reading. The scheme was designed by E3 Design. Entran prepared a Transport Assessment and Travel Plan for this complex site and secured positive recommendations from the planning and highway authorities for town centre flats with no dedicated parking facilities.
Wednesday, 12 October, 2016
Northamptonshire County Council granted planning permisison today for a new Energy Recovery Facility and Materials Recovery Plant at Corby. Entran provided Environmental and Transportation consultancy advice for this complex advanced thermal treatment facility on behalf of Clean Power Properties.
Wednesday, 21 September, 2016
Wednesday, 14 September, 2016