
Latest news about our work, and industry insights

Not quite as good as last year!

Last year Entran took 3rd place but this year managed 6th place in the annual Powells Charity Golf Day at Remedy Oak. Good news though, team members did win birdie and raffle prizes!

Tuesday, 09 August, 2016

Planning permission in Docklands

We were delighted that LB Newham voted unanimously last night to grant planning permission for Mount Anvil's latest scheme at Western Gateway, near ExCel. The 20 storey tower includes 105 residential units (25% affordable), commercial ground floor and new courtyard. The scheme, which is close to one of the new Crossrail stations, will be low-car so Entran prepared a comprehensive Travel Plan including limited car parking provision, three-tier cycle parking and a new residential Car Club.

Wednesday, 20 July, 2016

Another consent for Aldi

Last night Aldi received planning permission for a new foodstore on Bridgwater Road, Taunton. The planning committee approved the application against officer recommendation.

Thursday, 14 July, 2016

We have moved . . .

. . . but not far!

We love Greenway Farm but we had simply outgrown our existing office, so when the opportunity arose to move to the bigger, airier No7 we jumped at it. We now have enough desks for everyone, hurray!

Friday, 01 July, 2016

Planning permission in Bath

We are delighted to be part of the team that secured planning permission for new-build four storey accommodation for up to 198 students on the site of the former St Johh's School in the centre of Bath. The development, approved by B&NES yesterday, also included undercroft parking for Bath Rugby events.

Friday, 03 June, 2016

Driverless cars to be trialled on motorways

A trial of driverless cars is to be carried out on motorways, Highways England has confirmed. The organisation believes a connected corridor could see cars and infrastructure being linked wirelessly, so drivers would receive alerts of congestion and road closures in advance.[more]

Wednesday, 13 April, 2016

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