
Latest news about our work, and industry insights

Aston Martin Showroom approved

We were delighted to hear that planning permission was granted yesterday for a new Aston Martin showroom and workshop on the site of the former Ford Partnership Building in Southampton. Entran worked as part of a multi-disciplinary team, led by HNW Architects, to secure planning permission on behalf of Harwoods. A great scheme.

Thursday, 16 August, 2018

Aston Martin Showroom approved

The Margarine Works application submitted

After a great deal of work by Montreaux and their consultant team (including Assael, GL Hearn, Aecom and Entran) a major outline planning application has been submitted to London Borough of Ealing. The regeneration scheme known as the Margarine Works forms part of the Southall Opportunity Area Planning Framework (OAPF) and comprises some 2000 new homes, 13,000sqm of employment, community and retail space plus a hotel and new public greens and squares. The scheme will deliver key transport infrastructure to open up the OAPF for buses, pedestrians and cyclists, linking the area to the new Southall Crossrail station. Entran prepared the Transport Assessment and Framework Travel Plan as well as Air Quality and Noise and Vibration assessments as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment. This is a really exciting development scheme and we look forward to progressing the application with LBE, GLA and TfL.

Wednesday, 01 August, 2018

Adoption of unregistered land as highway

This is a very clear description of how to pursue the adoption of a road as highway if the land ownership is unknow. Thanks to Paul Weeks of Shoosmiths.

Wednesday, 18 July, 2018

Entran Director joins IHE Council

Richard Fitter was pleased to be invited last night, at the Institute of Highway Engineers' annual general meeting, to become a Nominated Member of their Council. The IHE's Council sets the policy agenda for the Institute and takes an active role in determining its direction.

More information about the IHE can be found here:

Saturday, 23 June, 2018

Entran Director joins IHE Council

Recommended changes to the NPPF

A group of professional bodies, charities and other organisations involved in the planning and delivery of sustainable development have written a joint letter to government ministers outlining improvements needed to the National Planning Policy Framework.

 The group outlines vital changes that would improve the pace at which development proposals clear the planning process and result in high-quality, genuinely sustainable development. These include:

1.     The need for the NPPF to provide clear criteria for the siting of development – limiting a number of the objections that are made to  development proposals on transport and environmental grounds

2.     Making the accessibility of a development location by a range of sustainable transport options a key factor in determining a developments suitability

3.     Involving transport authorities and operators throughout the planning process, making transport provision part of the solution rather than a hurdle to be overcome.

4.     The site layout for developments should make appropriate provision for buses, cycling and walking – reducing car dependency carries the added benefit of reducing the traffic impact of new development on existing infrastructure

A full version of the letter is available her:

Tuesday, 15 May, 2018


Richard Fitter joined forces with Steve Butler and Callum Barnes from Sol Environment this weekend to cycle the route of the oldest one day classic cycle race in Belgium. Steve and Callum completed the full 270km route (with 5200m of climbing) and Richard completed the 156km 'medium' route with its 2700m of ascent. The group then watched the pros race the same route on Sunday to see how it should be done. Chapeau!

Tuesday, 24 April, 2018


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