An interesting piece of research by Leeds University has examined the levels of pollution different types of commuter are exposed to during the peak hour commute. Contrary to expectations they found that cyclists in fact fare the best. research
Tuesday, 18 December, 2018
A fantastic result last night as Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council voted overwhelmingly to grant planning permission for the Wheat Quarter and MHT development in the heart of Welwyn Garden City. Entran have been delighted to work with Collado Collins and Iceni Projects on this genuinely exciting regeneration scheme that will deliver 1500 new homes, preserve the Grade II listed art-deco Production Hall, provide a new civic building, employment space, wellness centre, International Art Centre and a high quality landscaping scheme that covers 60% of the site. The development will fund significant local highway improvements, greatly enhancing facilities for pedestrians and cyclists, and the site will accommodate some 1800 cycle parking spaces and an innovative electric vehicle car club. There's a lot of work to be done to deliver the scheme but last night's resolution was a real mile-stone in WGC's future.
Friday, 07 December, 2018
The Government has published a 2 year action plan to improve safety for vulnerable road users. Motorcycle groups are disappointed that they are not included in the description of vulnerable users but Brake and Living Streets welcome the 50 new measures. The plan will also assess whether insurance companies could offer discounts to drivers who have undertaken cycle training.
Friday, 23 November, 2018
Sustrans has spent more than two years completing their first ever review of the National Cycle Network. Their report outlines the benefits of the NCN, summarises the findings of the physical audit and sets out recommendations for creating a UK-wide network of traffic-free paths for everyone.
Friday, 16 November, 2018
As a co-opted member of the IHE Council, Entran Director Richard Fitter was pleased to be asked to work with the IHE to develop a Development Management Forum to allow public and private sector highway and transport engineers to discuss current development management issues and challenges. If you are interested, please contact Richard for more information.
Friday, 19 October, 2018
We were really pleased to hear that South Somerset District Council granted planning permission last night for a new retail store for Aldi on the Olds Garage site in Yeovil.
Thursday, 04 October, 2018