
Latest news about our work, and industry insights

University of Bath - return lecture

Rob Williams and Richard Fitter were delighted to be asked back to the University of Bath for a second year to deliver a lecture on Transport Planning to the BEng and MEng Civil Engineering students . It's always a challenge to explain what a Transport Consultant does but we managed to condense it down to an entertaining and informative two hour lecture!

Monday, 18 March, 2019

University of Bath - return lecture

Mixed-use consent in Redbridge

We were pleased to hear that GML Architects secured planning permission today for offices, nursery and residential development in Chigwell Road, South Woodford today. The planning authority overturned the highway authority's objection on the strength of the technical arguments put forward by Entran.  

Friday, 15 March, 2019

The Margarine Works regeneration project approved

We are absolutely delighted to hear that last night LB Ealing resolved to grant outline planning permission for the Margarine Works regeneration project in Southall. This fantastic regeneration scheme by Montreaux forms part of the Southall Opportunity Area Planning Framework (OAPF) and comprises some 2000 new homes, 13,000sqm of employment, community and retail space plus a hotel and new public greens and squares. The scheme will deliver key transport infrastructure to open up the OAPF for buses, pedestrians and cyclists, linking the area to the new Southall Crossrail station. Entran worked alongside a fabulous consultant team including Assael, GL Hearn and Aecom. This is a really exciting development scheme and we look forward to the opportunity to progress the reserved matters applications with LBE, GLA and TfL and see this new neighbourhood through to completion. 

Thursday, 21 February, 2019

The Margarine Works regeneration project approved

How to negotiate a roundabout when cycling

There are many different types and sizes of roundabouts which can cause confusion amongst cyclists. Approach a roundabout in the same way you would if driving a car and take control of the appropriate lane for your intended exit. This video by British Cycling gives tips on how to do this and negotiate a roundabout with ease.

Thursday, 14 February, 2019

Highway Code: rule changes for automated vehicle technology

Highway Code rules 149, 150, 160 and 239 have been updated to provide more detailed advice on safely using remote control parking and motorway assist functions. The 'should' and 'must' references make for interesting reading.

Friday, 18 January, 2019

Here's to 2019

Thanks once again to all our clients and associates who made 2018 such a successful and enjoyable year. We hope you enjoy the festive season and we look forward to continued successes in 2019.

Friday, 21 December, 2018

Here's to 2019

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