
Latest news about our work, and industry insights

Refused against officer recommendation

Very frustrating planning decision in Essex this week. Our client's planning application for 200+ new homes was refused against officer recommendation. The planning and highway authorities both supported the development and a package of highway improvements had been negotiated and agreed with the the local highway authority. On the night, however, one Councillor stated his objection by mis-quoting the commitee report. He was corrected by officers; however, that was sufficient for the vote to go against the development. One reason for refusal was that the cumulative transport effect of this and a neighbouring development would be 'severe', despite that being a specific component of the approved Transport Assessment.

Wednesday, 19 February, 2020

Celebrating 15 years in business

2020 is Entran's 15th year in business. We can't believe how quickly time has flown by. The Bristol office has moved into larger premises, twice, and we now have offices in London and Cardiff. We will be using this anniversary as an excuse to re-vamp the website and refresh our branding - and to have a few drinks with our clients and colleagues of course.

Thursday, 02 January, 2020

Celebrating 15 years in business

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Thanks once again to all our clients and associates who made 2019 such a successful and enjoyable year. We hope you enjoy the festive season and we look forward to continued successes in 2020 when Entran will be celebrating our 15th Anniversary!

Friday, 20 December, 2019

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Margarine Works consent

LB Ealing have now approved the Outline Planning Application for the Margarine Works in Southall. This was one of the top 20 largest housing permissions in the UK in 2019. The Council resolved to grant permission in February but the S106 has now been signed and the decision notice issued. Further details here:

Thursday, 05 December, 2019

Margarine Works consent

New homes in Rye

We were delighted to hear that Rother DC granted planning permission last night for 63 new homes in Rye, East Sussex. Entran have worked with Clague Architects and Iceni Projects for a considerable time on this project so it is gratifying that planning permission has been secured. A new access close to a level crossing required Entran to reach agreement with ESCC and Network Rail. Residential parking demand was also an area of protracted discussion and, ultimately, agreement. 

Thursday, 14 November, 2019

Residential permission in Stevenage

Last night North Herts DC granted planning permission for 86 new homes on land at Odyssey Health Club near Stevenage. Entran provided Transportation and Environmental consultancy services in support of the successful application. Ealier proposals on this site had been refused due to the access arrangements, but Entran designed a new compact roundabout (and pair of bus stops) that met with the approval of both highway and planning authorities.

Friday, 18 October, 2019

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