
Latest news about our work, and industry insights

It's not all bad news

I'm sure we will all be glad to see the back of 2020, but looking for some positives, we were really pleased to help ALDI open eight new stores in the South-West and Wales this year, and secure planning permission for a further twelve.

Friday, 18 December, 2020

It's not all bad news

Bring on 2021

We always end the year with a big thank you to all our clients and associates and wish them a prosperous New Year. Never has that been more appropriate than 2020. We, like many others, were swift to adapt to this year's new challenges so we were able to ensure business continuity across all our disciplines. Unfortunately, we were not able to celebrate our 15th anniversary in the ways we had intended, so let's hope we get to celebrate our 'sweet sixteen' with you all instead in 2021 !

Friday, 18 December, 2020

Bring on 2021

New riverside homes and businesses in Ipswich

Ipswich Borough Council voted unanimously today to grant planning permission for Plutus's proposed development of 173 new homes with A1-A5 commercial units on land adjacent to the River Orwell in Ipswich town centre. Entran worked with Mountford Piggott architects and Iceni planning to secure positive recommendations on transport, air quality and noise. The scheme includes a new footway/cycleway to provide the missing link between the station and the marina area. 

Wednesday, 16 December, 2020

New riverside homes and businesses in Ipswich

Planning permission in Barnet

Last night, LB Barnet granted planning permission for Montreaux's proposed 204 new homes and discount foodstore in Friern Barnet. After initial objections from TfL and the local highway authority, Entran worked with Assael Architects and CBRE Planning to secure a positive recommendation from officers which, after some debate, was endorsed by members of the planning committee.

Thursday, 10 December, 2020

Planning permission in Barnet

Planning permission in Mansfield

Mansfield Council has granted planning permission for 73 flats and 9 new townhouses on an edge-of-centre site in Mansfield, previously occupied by the Bombardier factory. Entran worked with Hybrid Planning and Development to secure permission for these new homes.

Wednesday, 09 December, 2020

Online Public Inquiry

This week Richard Fitter gave evidence as an expert witness at his (and most others') first online S73 Public Inquiry. There were the usual technical glitches that we have all become familar with in 2020 but the process generally ran very smoothly. Being cross-examined by a barrister and addressing your responses to the Inspector is very different via MS Teams than it is in person. It will be interesting to see whether PINS continue to conduct some appeals using this process once things get back to 'normal'.  We eagerly await the decision! [APP/P1560/W/20/3256190] 

Friday, 27 November, 2020

Online Public Inquiry

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