
Latest news about our work, and industry insights

Successful appeal for fitness business

Yesterday, PINS granted planning permission for a mixed residential and business use (fitness/bootcamp) at April Cottage in Almondsbury. South Gloucestershire Council had refused the planning application on highways grounds but that decision was reversed by the Planning Inspector.

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Wednesday, 14 June, 2023

Successful appeal for fitness business

New student accommodation

Last night Worcester City Council granted planning permission for new student accommodation on the site of St Clements Church Hall in Worcester. We were pleased to work with the development team including Planit and Wotton Donoghue Architects to secure this consent for  New Venture Housing.

Friday, 21 April, 2023

New student accommodation

Appeal allowed in Clacton

Just two weeks after the appeal hearing for 180 new homes in Clacton, the Planning Inspector has allowed the appeal and ordered Tendring District Council to pay full costs to Kelsworth Ltd.

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Wednesday, 22 March, 2023

Appeal allowed in Clacton

A new vision for Weston Super Mare RFC

North Somerset Council recently granted planning permission for an exciting new project at Weston Super Mare RFC to provide an enhanced player and spectator experience. The Club intends to stay at the Rec and the investment in the facilities will enable the Club to develop the underutilised land with housing-led development; improve club facilities with new club buildings; and create income generating assets. 

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Sunday, 12 March, 2023

A new vision for Weston Super Mare RFC

PINS and needles

We have been busy recently with one of our Directors, Richard Fitter, appearing before Planning Inspectors twice in a fortnight. However, in both cases we have to question why these projects were being determined by PINS at all. 

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Thursday, 09 March, 2023

PINS and needles

Planning permission for Aldi in Taunton

On 23rd December 2022 Somerset West and Taunton Council granted planning permission for a new Aldi store at Chip Lane, Taunton. Entran prepared the Transport Assessment and secured a positive recommendation from Somerset County Council as local highway authority.

Thursday, 05 January, 2023

Planning permission for Aldi in Taunton

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